Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Environmental Speech Essay

My speech will be about Global warming, this is the rise in the average temperature of the Earth’s atmosphere and oceans. In 2011 the emission of carbon dioxide and was the highest it had ever been before and it had also taken a similar jump in 2012. Over all, emissions of carbon dioxide had jumped 3 percent in 2011 and in 2012 it was estimated that it had jumped another 2. 6% in 2012. Scientists are 90% sure that Humans are the cause global warming from producing greenhouse gases produced by human activity like using a car which is burning fossil fuels and also is caused deforestation. Since the early 20th century the Earth’s average temperature has increased by 0. 8 degrees centigrade. The effect of an increased temperature will result in the rise of sea levels. Global warming is strongest in the arctic and causes a more frequent occurrence of extreme weather events such as heat waves, heavy rainfall, droughts and species extinction. How do we stop Global Warming? Turning the thermostat down a few degrees can make a big difference in decreasing our carbon dioxide emissions. Replacing a regular light bulb with compact florescent lights will save you ? 15 over the life of the bulb and reduce global warming. Driving less and using public transport more often will reduce the carbon dioxide from the burning of fossil fuels which are burnt every day from transportation vehicles. Decorating your house with plants and trees will help as they take in carbon dioxide and produce oxygen.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

“Burro Genius” by Victor Villaseñor Essay

Victor Villasenor is, certainly, one of the most famous and beloved authors who has presented his raw and unexpected memoirs to public opinion. Actually, the book explores Victor’s transformation from embarrassed and intimidated young boy into the famous writers of the present world. Thus, his memoir â€Å"Burro Genius† describes difficult life of poor Mexican American boy having been always faced with constant discrimination in his local school system. Villasenor vividly presents struggle between him and teachers and emphasizes the role of parents and God for overcoming all difficulties. Special attention is devoted to spiritual connections with god. It is necessary to say that Villasenor describes his masterpiece as real miracle. (Villasenor 2004) Villasenor says when he stood at the podium facing a group of teachers, who always harassed and discriminated him; he became really furious and enraged with such unfairness. Despite the fact that the boy had never spoken to the public, Victor’s mind was filled with doleful and sorrowful childhood recollections associated with constant misunderstanding, humiliation and power abuse. Victor’s heart was thumbing, though he started his impressive speech about all the incidents taken place during his entering local school. It is mentioned in the book that some listeners couldn’t help but shedding tears. (Villasenor 2004) This is a mournful beginning of Villasenor’s memoirs. The author appears highly talented and imaginative playing with words and sense. For example, he vividly amplifies how he has coped with untreated learning disability meaning that he has diagnosed as dyslexia. Furthermore, the book provides impressive descriptions of frustrations of his life as a Latino boy. He says that American school system has failed to comprehend cultural understanding and has failed to deal properly with Hispanic students. (Villasenor 2004) The author admits that he is born and raised on San Diego County and thus he devotes certain part of the narration to description of several surrounding cities: streets where cattle and domestic animals are seen; dusty roads adapted for horse-riding. Nevertheless, still he remains away from his childhood memoirs not to disturb the picture of quiet life. His memoirs are developing with essay progression; they are filled with lifted spirit of a child, with fears and terrors of classmates and teachers. However, special role is devoted to illustrating racism being able to chill anyone. (Villasenor 2004) Victor says he was often slapped by instructors and kicked by classmates only because of being Mexican guy. Moreover, the boy was considered the stupidest child in the class. Apparently, the author raises important themes not only for his time, but also for present world, because the problem of cultural discrimination and racism touches not only the USA, but the rest of the world. Nowadays many foreign students are suffering from hostile attitudes of native students. Therefore, the author sensitively describes all his hardships, privations and difficulties at school. (Villasenor 2004) It is impossible to remind indifferent when the author describes his rage and says he even â€Å"contemplated killing some of his teachers and classmates with a firearm†. Such statement seems to be used ironically and his infuriating energy has now changed. It is necessary to suggest that Villasenor is one of the first to raise the problem of cultural discrimination so openly and bold. Actually, teachers in both public and private schools, according to the author, practiced violent abuse and brainwashing tactics to intimidate and to discriminate foreign students. (Villasenor 2004) The boy was often treated as â€Å"dirty† Mexican being ugly and unworthy as well. Certainly, boy’s psychological development was upset and the boy has distorted perception of reality. Victor realized that all those characteristics were referred to his family members as well. For example, teachers said his mother was ugly, his father was loud and dirty. As it is mentioned above the boy was often beaten, because his English was poor. Therefore, Victor was forced to be really ashamed of his nationality and heritage. Furthermore, his cultural values and tight-knit family were questioned. Victor’s growing frustration fueled his desire to become a writer and to reveal the truth about racial discrimination in public schools. (Villasenor 2004) Nevertheless, the positive moment of the book is descriptions of constant family love and support, especially the role of father and brother in Victor’s life. The author mentions that it is his father who helped him to eliminate false notions and to move forth. The struggle with Mexican culture is seen throughout the whole book and the boy seems to be proud of his family, whereas he is ashamed of being Mexican. Apparently, Victor considered brown skin as crime. (Villasenor 2004) Communicative bonds with nature and Gods are amplified after death of Victor’s older brother. For example, the boy sees trees, stars and moon as a magical encounter existing between humans and nature. Further, he begins to believe in the supernatural and his intuition is strong. Therefore, it is the main reason why the child’s imagination overwhelms book’s narration. From the very beginning Victor considered himself as a spiritual person being devoted to religion and God. He describes Navajo as â€Å"like perspective on the natural cycle of life and being one with nature†. (Villasenor 2004) â€Å"Burro Genius† makes readers analyze and think of their own childhood, past and present. Furthermore, readers are forced to reflect how words are able to affects psychological development of a person. It is known that ruler- striking teachers don’t exist in the country, although author assumes that racism exists, though its forms had been changed: â€Å"Now teachers are more concerned with how to separate students so that they don’t taint the school’s test scoring system†. (Villasenor 2004) Apparent strength of the book is that the author strongly defends his positions regarding culture and religion. References Victor, Villasenor. (2004). Burro Genius. New York: Rayo.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Criminal Law Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Criminal Law - Assignment Example The court is expected to carry out three different kinds of tests such as objective test where the particular court imputes the elements of mens rea based on the fact that any of the reasonable individuals that possess the same kind of abilities and knowledge as is possessed by the person that is accused in this case is expected to have such kind of elements. The second test is the subjective; in this test the court is expected to make an establishment as to what the person accused was thinking of at the time he caused the actus Reus. Finally, another test is the hybrid that involves both objective and subjective tests (van den Haag, 1978, p 27). These arguments was advanced by Dori Kimel in his case comment, ‘Inadvertent recklessness in criminal law’ (2004) LQR 548, where she analyses and critically evaluates the decisions of the House of Lords in R v G [2003] UKHL 50; [2004] 1 A.C. 1034 and R. v Caldwell (James) [1982] A.C. 341. This paper will therefore briefly identi fy the key arguments advanced by Kimel in her analysis of the two cases. Further, it will discuss whether Kimel’s critical evaluation of the two decisions is persuasively argued. Arguments advanced by Kimel in his analysis The facts of the case was that there were two boys who were aged 12 and 11 years, they are reported to have been camping without any particular permission by their parents when they decoded to go to the backyard of a nearby shop in the morning, they had newspapers that they had lit. The newspapers that they had lit are reported to have caused fire in nearby bin that was located against the wall of the shop, the fire immediately spread up the wall and eventually onto the roof. The fire caused an estimated damage of $1m. The two children made an arguments that they were expecting the fire to eventually burn itself out and did not give any thought to the risk that could be caused incase the fire spread (Kimel, 2003, p 21). In the judgment of the House of Lords , Lord Bingham actually saw the need of modifying the definition of Lord Diplock in order to ensure that infancy of the defence was accounted for which was containing the mischievous discretion notion. This rule required the various courts to make a consideration of the extent the children who were aged from eight or more years could be able to have a clear understanding of the differences that existed between wrong and right. Therefore, the test that was stipulated by Diplock of obviousness was expected to actually operate in unfair manner for the two children incase they were eventually held to the same particular standards the reasonable adults were held to. The courts finally held that the defendant must be clearly shown to have indeed subjectively appreciated a given risk to the property and health of the other party but eventually carried on any particular event before they could actually be said to be completely criminally culpable. This ruling abolished the historical object ive reckless test that had been previously recognized under the famous R v Caldwell (Kimel, 2004, p 548). Dori Kimel has indicated that recklessness is actually the particular critical mental element that exists within the Critical Damage Act of the year 1971. However, ten years following the enactment of the particular legislation, the House of Lords in the context of R v Caldwell made a controversial interpretation of the recklessness objectively as well as

Sunday, July 28, 2019

How can electric car producers build momentum for their technology in Essay

How can electric car producers build momentum for their technology in China and stop the momentum of internal combustion engine manufacturers - Essay Example In other words, the electric vehicle (car or automobile) was abandoned much too early in lieu or in favor of the internal combustion engine because of many practical considerations. Many people today mistakenly think the electric car is a modern invention when in fact, it had existed almost two centuries ago and it is only now the electric car is having a revival of sorts due to environmental concerns, peak oil, and global warming due to carbon emissions. Most of the cars manufactured today are used in modern Western countries but China of late has also seen a strong demand for cars due to robust economic growth coupled with a big rich middle class that arose as a result of China’s rapid industrialization and transition to a free-market economy in the last few decades. The People’s Republic of China is now number one in terms of total vehicle production (including passenger cars, light commercial vehicles, buses, trucks, and coaches) surpassing the European Union, the United States of America, Japan, and even Germany. However, most of this production is internal combustion vehicles and the top producer is Toyota, followed by General Motors, Volkswagen, Hyundai, Ford, Nissan, and Honda. Electric car makers can grab the huge Chinese market if they are astute. Marketing – makers of electric vehicles can appeal to Chinese buyers by claiming how the electric car produces much less carbon emissions (pollution) compared to an internal combustion vehicle (gas engine) by highlighting the benefits of electric vehicles (EV) while addressing the concerns of potential buyers on the drawbacks of EVs which are now being tackled by improved technologies and at the same time point to the disadvantages of the continued use of gas-engine vehicles in a resource-scarce country like China. a. Pollution – even if EVs are charged using electricity produced from coal-powered plants, the resulting carbon emission is only about one-half of the pollution from internal

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Isaac Newton is a great man Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Isaac Newton is a great man - Research Paper Example Isaac Newton was born in Woolsthorpe, England in 1642 and grew up to be an authority in Mathematics, dynamics, celestial mechanics, astronomy, optics and philosophy (Newton). His life appears to have been influenced by the death of his father who died few months prior to Newton’s birth (English-Online). He took charge of his life early in his life, waiting on tables and doing menial jobs for wealthy students to pay for his school fees, which shows his great love for education. His mother had remarried and left him under the care of aged grandparents who could barely support him, but this did not deter his quest for learning. During his youth, he is known to have been interested in mechanical devices, doing many experiments and building many devices (Newton). He is known to have built a mill model, clocks and kites among other devices, which he experimented in his neighborhood, with some of the experiments greatly frightening his neighbors. He drew many drawings and architectur al diagrams on the window edges and walls of his Woolsthorpe home which included drawings of men, animals, birds and also plants. During this time, he is known to have been influenced by the book; ‘mysteries of nature’ by John Bates (Newton). He had his early education at Skillington and Stoke which is thought to have started when he was five years old. Newton the proceeded to King’s school in Grantham during which time his step father died and his mother went to their Woolsthorpe home (Newton). The mother removed him from school and intended to make him a farmer, but Newton was not interested in farming but had a great thirst for learning. John Stokes, master of the Grantham School and William Ayscough, Newton’s uncle intervened, leading to the decision to prepare Newton for University, which was done in 1661, with entry to Trinity College, Cambridge (Newton). It is at this college where he is thought to have made his mathematical discoveries where he had easy access to the college and university libraries where he spent lengthy hours of study. It is also assumed that it was in the rooms of the Trinity College where he did the experiments of the dispersion and refraction of light, and probably done the one on the pendulum to explain about the earths pull of gravity. The experiment about the falling apple, which Newton said explained about the idea of gravitation, was done either at Boothbay or at the Woolsthorpe house (Newton). Isaac Newton was a very ambitious scientist who did his researches very conclusively and had a firm belief that everything in nature had an explanation in mathematics, but not all scientists during his time concurred with him. He was so engrossed in his work and researches that he did not have many acquitances and did not also marry. When for example he was writing the principia, which is the mathematical principles of natural philosophy in the Latin language, he rarely left his room and ate little food or ev en none at all, had unkempt hair and worn out shoes, and also very rarely went to the chapel. Isaac Newton contributed much through his research and discoveries in many of the fields in which he was involved. In the field of mathematics, his most notable work was in calculus, and other fields of

Friday, July 26, 2019

Pressure to cover Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Pressure to cover - Essay Example The need for cover is not only in the call centers operating from India, but even in the United States, which prides itself as a nation which embraces diversity. Wherever you go, you can see instances of ordinary Americans 'covering' under pressure. That is, pretending to what they are not-pretending to be like the mainstream. According to Kenji Yoshino who writes in his article,"The Pressure to Cover" published in the New York Times of January 15, 2006, people "play down their outsider identities to blend into the mainstream." Although the laws against discrimination have become pretty strict with the enforcement of "a battery of civil Rights Laws" like the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, there are still subtler forms of discrimination practised. Now entire ethnic groups or racial minorities are not targeted for discrimination, but there is still discrimination against individuals who dare to go against the mainstream. Yoshino says that individuals are forced to 'cover'. Since the existing civil rights laws do not protect individuals fully, they are forced to concede to the social demands to 'cover'. I have come across many people who try to cover. I remember I used to wear long sleeved shirts even in summer when I had an attack of eczema in my elbow when I was seven years old. I was just covering my stigma, although everybody knew about the eczema. Fortunately for me, it got cured very soon and I could wear comfortable clothes. My friend Singh who belongs to a religious sect called Sikhs, wears a turban according to the tenets of his religion, and has long hair. Although his ambition is to join the air force, he can never do so. . Sociologist Irving Goffman's 1963 book, "Stigma" provided the inspiration for Yoshino. According to Goffman, covering was practiced even by the famous like President F.D.Roosevelt. "He relates how F.D.R. stationed himself behind a desk before his advisors came in for a meeting.He was covering, playing down his disability so people would focus on his more conventionally presidential qualities." (Yoshino) Yoshino gives examples of other famous personalities who resorted to covering- Helen Keller got artificial glass eyes in place of her natural , protruding eyes, Margaret Thatcher got coaching in speaking, many famous personalities like Martin Sheen and Ben Kingsley changed their original names to Anglo-Saxon sounding names. Covering is done by people who have already admitted that they have a stigma, and make efforts to ensure that the stigma is not very noticeable. Karthikeyan told me about his own son, a little boy of six, whom the parents have named Ashwin. "I call him Ash, and my wife calls him Win. We are happy both the names sound American," he said smugly. Many non white and non Anglo Saxon ethnic groups have started giving Anglo-Saxon sounding names to their children. Almost all Chinese Americans have an English name; there are many Charlies and Jimmys in Chinatowns. It is a well known fact that many Hollywood stars have changed their names to make them more English sounding. Kirk Douglas' real name was Issur Danielovitch Demsky, and Ben Kingsley's was Krishna Bhanji. Changing their real name is also a sort of cover. When Karthikeyan introduces himself as 'Karr', he is taking refuge in a cover, he is trying to blend seamlessly into the mainstream. Citing a number of cases, Yoshino argues,"Under this rule,

Climate Changes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Climate Changes - Essay Example Deforestation in turn leads to melting of polar ice, more floods, increase in global temperature, scarce rains etc. Green forests help in soaking the suspended particles in air and thus clean the air for all of us to breath. Disappearing green cover also means presence of more pollutants in air. National Geographic reports that, "According to the World Resources Institute, more than 80 percent of the Earth's natural forests already have been destroyed. Up to 90 percent of West Africa's coastal rain forests have disappeared since 1900. Brazil and Indonesia, which contain the world's two largest surviving regions of rain forest, are being stripped at an alarming rate by logging, fires, and land-clearing for agriculture and cattle-grazing." According to the studies conducted by many Science Academies, the surface temperature of Earth has risen by about 1 degree Fahrenheit in the past century, with accelerated warming during the past two decades. New and stronger evidence is found which suggests that most of the warming over the last 50 years is attributable to human activities. Human activities have altered the chemical composition of the atmosphere through the buildup of greenhouse gases - primarily carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide. Energy from the sun drives the earth's weather and climate, and heats the earth's surface; in turn, the earth radiates energy back into space. Atmospheric greenhouse gases (water vapor, carbon dioxide, and other gases) trap some of the outgoing energy, retaining heat somewhat like the glass panels of a greenhouse. According to recent studies, since the beginning of the industrial revolution, atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide have increased nearly 30%, methane concentra tions have more than doubled, and nitrous oxide concentrations have risen by about 15%. In fact the greenhouse effect is also leading to some geomorphologic changes as well, which is resulting in changes of landscape. There are views which state that the climatic change is neither unusual nor necessarily harmful or bad (Jones, 1993). The benefits are being counted in the fields of economy basically. But the moot point is, to what extent can we ignore the nature for reaping economic benefits. Even during carrying out a profitable business opportunity, a sensitive management will allow the public to know what the company is doing. Such inputs not only help the company in knowing about the thought process going on in the public domain, but it also helps in strengthening the ties between company and its customers. At times the business also works hard to build public opinion in favour or against some strategic

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Organizational Changes and the Future in Policing Essay

Organizational Changes and the Future in Policing - Essay Example This paper will draw round Riordan's PR campaign together with its defined target audience, an impression of public relations issues, and insinuation of ethical issues. In adding up, Riordan has put into practice a marketing research plan and sought to bring into line its marketing and public relation approach According to the expert analysis Operations management for new firm is the methodical way and control of the processes that change inputs into ended goods and services. The operations function comprises an important proportion of the employees and bodily assets in the majority organizations. In such organizations operations managers are anxious with each step in as long as a service or product (Kogut, B. 2004, 151-167). They choose what should go into an in service system such as gear, labor, tools, facilities, materials, power, and information and how these inputs can finest be attain and used to please the requirements of the market place. Managers are also liable for serious activities such as excellence management and control, ability planning, materials management, procure, and preparation. The significance of operations management for a company like Nokia in market has augmented radically in latest years. Important foreign competition, shorter product and repair life-cycles, improved skilled and quality-conscious consumers, and the abilities of new technology have placed growing pressures on the operations function to get better efficiency as given that a broader array of high-quality products and services. By the globalization of markets, firms are familiar with that the operations function can be used as a spirited weapon to make stronger their location in the market place. Managers in operations management play a planned, as well as a strategic role in pleasing customer wants and making their firms sturdy international competitors (Kotabe, M., 2003, 10-31) According to the latest analysis if a new company want to enter in market then at least as volatile as the Middle-East situation, but not as famed in the headlines, is the appearance of worldwide operations as a main force that is reshaping the earth of commerce. By the prospect of latest business opportunities that escort it, we need to believe how these worldwide opportunities will be communal by U.S. businesses (Kotabe, M. 2003, 107-119). Personally, I describe public relations as the image that an organization works to portray to the public. Moreover, I have been in healthcare for 25 years as well as all the hospitals that I have worked for try to depict a positive image of healing and caring to the group of people. Portraying this image assist hospitals to gain new commerce and continue to grow. Nowadays, healthcare is commerce and mainly hospitals are vying to be number one in the area. every one in hospitals offer adequate care to an extent that is satisfactory to the public, but certain hospital systems stand out in areas of healthcare. When hospitals do extremely well in an area, such as cardiac care, the hospital

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Project Management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 3

Project Management - Assignment Example It also develops ways to integrate these resources within the organizational context and the wider company strategy for management of wide-ranging interpersonal issues that might crop up in the organization. The given business is that of a car manufacturing company that is undergoing a scale improvement in business practices. From a regular business of buying from the manufacturer and selling cars on a retail basis, the company is transforming into full scale car assembly and manufacturing business along with the selling strategy. This transformation involves a number of hiring and recruitment processes of individuals with different skill sets so that necessary resources are well utilized with a strong human resource team. For the purpose of business expansion, the human resource management decides to recruit staff that shall have specific skill sets at each level of the manufacturing process, so that the entire production line has specialized and skilled employees (Cole, 2002). In case of this project, the company shall need to hire about 40 new people at various positions and different levels of the employee hierarchy. These employees shall be distributed within the Purchasing, Receiving, Manufacturing and the Sales departments. It is believed that the highest recruitment shall go towards the sale team because it is an enlarged part of the business team. The car manufacturing process is highly automatic and hence, shall not require many people in the manufacturing task (Harrison, 2000). The revamped business has been started afresh and the team shall make use of existing staff as higher level managers while hiring staff posited below them. This activity will recruit one person who shall be responsible for overseeing well-functioning of the manufacturing activity and assure that all different activities in the process of manufacturing are well aligned. Another twelve individuals shall look into goods transfer to point of sale and

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Legal Aspects of Nursing. Homework 5 Case Study

Legal Aspects of Nursing. Homework 5 - Case Study Example These difficulties could have easily resulted in errors in the manual documentation. This hints at problems in the process, rather than a willful act of fraud on the part of the nurses and the nurse under trial in particular. (Case Facts, n.d.) 2. The testimonies of the other nurses are very relevant. They point to difficulties in following the process steps and in being accurate in their accomplishment of the manual documentation for the medications. First the nurses testified that the process prompted them to instances when they were prone to making errors in the manual documentation, because of problems with recall with regard to dosages and to the medicines administered. This is because the documentation was done towards the end of the shift, or during breaks, and not at the point of the administration. Second, this problem was compounded by the fact that in practice, nurses signed narcotics electronically in anticipation of need, and then threw them away when they were not used, especially with regard to the IV bags. This means that there were additional opportunities to make mistakes in the manual documentation later on (Case Facts, n.d.). 3. ... I would have ruled in favor of the nurse ,due to lack of evidence of fraud, and due to the testimony of other nurses that there is a flaw in the process that can understandably result in nurses making mistakes with the manual documentation (Case Facts, n.d.) ANSWERS TO HOMEWORK 5 FORM QUESTIONS (The responses are numbered in order of the appearance of the questions in the assignment form) 1. Patient safety principles relating to the accuracy of medications administered and in the accuracy and integrity of patient records are at play in this case. That there are mistakes in documentation that are used to keep track of patient progress, and that are used to plan future interventions, means that the well-being of the patients are put at risk. The testimonies by the nurses point to fundamental flaws in the hospital processes that need to be admitted to, as a first step to making changes to correct the discrepancies (Suydam et al., n.d., pp. 361-363; Sharpe, 2003; American Medical Associa tion, 2009; Ohno-Machado et al., 2004) 2. Strictly speaking, the nurses are not negligent in delaying the documentation for the medications that they took. For one, there are the electronic signings that cover them, and signify their earnestness to follow the rules. For another, they have to prioritize the manual documentation alongside other tasks, such as attending to the patients and helping the doctors in acute care. These are very pressing tasks. If a patient is unable to breathe on his own or has a very dire condition that needs full attention from the nurse, the documentation can fall by the wayside understandably. The issue is not negligence, but that the work flow forces the nurses to prioritize

Monday, July 22, 2019

Role of the nurse Essay Example for Free

Role of the nurse Essay According to the American Nurses Association the role of the professional nurse is held to a high standard. Nurses have a guideline of professionalism that is upheld to match the level of care given to each and every patient and held accountable for their actions towards clients and peers (Perry/Potter, 7). Nurses are expected to critical think as a way to solve any problem or ailment presented to them by patients. Nurses are to implement the nursing process which delegates a step by step process to think critically in solving patients problems. The steps are assessment, diagnosis, outcomes identification and planning, implementation and evaluation (Perry/Pottery, 7). 2. I see nurses fulfilling these roles and many more. The nurse is a caregiver when attending to patients needs and going the extra mile in providing care that is not asked for, such as when providing a bath and massaging the legs to provide stimulation in circulation in the legs. Nurses are the patient’s advocate we speak on the patients behalf to the doctors as well as administration. Educating the patient on prevention of illness and health practices on current ailments. We communicate to the patients on a daily bases nurses are on the forefront dealing with the patients at the bedside we communicate all needs and care for the patient to the doctors. Nurses are in charge of managing the care of our patients how the patient is responding to treatment, their fluid intake and output, tracking of nutritional status. Nurses practice autonomy and accountability on a daily basis. We encourage ambulation to a patient after giving birth to stimulate circulation and urinary functions. 3. When I think of a nurse I think of a caregiver. Someone who will help a patient on their road to recovery. Someone who will listen to a patients concerns and reassure the patient that they are receiving the best care possible. Someone who will care. In my opinion some people think that nurses are assists to doctors. I have heard this many times. Yes we do assist doctors but today nurses are so much more and are responsible for much more in the medical field. Mostly the media presents nurses in a positive light showcasing the diverse and important role of the nurse in the hospital. But sadly there are still some that negatively show nurses as a sex symbol with no real input in patient care.

Cyber Security Essay Example for Free

Cyber Security Essay President Obama has declared that the â€Å"cyber threat is one of the most serious economic and national security challenges we face as a nation†¦ Americas economic prosperity in the 21st century will depend on cyber security.† So why is it that so many people still don’t know some of the basic ways that produce cyber threats? The purpose of this paper is to name some of the more basic cyber threats. Even though it is just the beginning to the hazards you can obtain, they are highly effective because of the number of people that still allow these kinds of breaches. First and foremost are viruses. According to, â€Å"There were over 50,000 computer viruses in 2000 and that number was then and still is growing rapidly. Sophos, in a print ad in June 2005 claims over 103,000 viruses. And, Symantec, in April 2008 is reported to have claimed the number is over one million.† With so many different viruses out there, how do you know what to look for and how to protect your cyber world from viruses? Some of the most common viruses that effect people are Trojans and Net Bots. defines a Trojan as â€Å"A program that appears legitimate, but performs some illicit activity when it is run. It may be used to locate password information or make the system more vulnerable to future entry or simply destroy programs or data on the hard disk. A Trojan is similar to a virus, except that it does not replicate itself. It stays in the computer doing its damage or allowing somebody from a remote site to take control of the computer. Trojans often sneak in attached to a free game or other utility.† To add to their definition, it can also be affixed to an email attachment or the email itself. So now that you know what it is you’re probably thinking so what can I do to protect myself from obtaining this virus? The best thing to do would be to educate yourself about this threat. Know what they look like and common websites they reside. The next thing that to do is to be sure to always have an up to date WELL KNOWN antivirus such as Sophos, McAfee, or Norton. The well known part is very important because some of the smaller antivirus companies are part of the reason there are so many Trojans out there. Once you get some antivirus software you need to be sure to keep it up to date. Also, don’t open emails from senders that you don’t recognize. Several of the Trojans out there that get circulated by email come from people opening emails from unknown senders. The next one is botnets. says â€Å"A botnet (also known as a zombie army) is a number of Internet computers that, although their owners are unaware of it, have been set up to forward transmissions (including spam or viruses) to other computers on the Internet. Any such computer is referred to as a zombie in effect, a computer robot or bot that serves the wishes of some master spam or virus originator. Most computers compromised in this way are home-based. According to a report from Russian-based Kaspersky Labs, botnets not spam, vir uses, or worms currently pose the biggest threat to the Internet.† Trojans are the major way that you can get one of these viruses. So it is important that you again get antivirus software, keep it up to date, and don’t open emails from unknown senders. However, with this virus you can get it just from going to a questionable web site. So how do you know what ones are good and what ones are questionable? Well that you can for the most part guess using these deciding factors: Are there several java applications on the web page? Is there a lot of download able content? Are there pop up advertisements that come up on the page? Then you probably should do your best to stay away from the page. In case you are unsure, some antivirus software are now including a trusted and untrusted feature so when you search a site it will let you know if the page is safe or proceed at your own risk. If your antivirus does not have such a feature then there are some applications out there that will do the same thing just to name one would be WOT or Web of Trust. The next issue is a little more targeted to the business world. It deals more with their emails and correspondence but can also be directed to an average internet user. It is phishing. expounds â€Å"Email Phishing scams are carried out online by tech-savvy con artists and identity theft criminals. They use spam, fake websites constructed to look identical to a real sites, email and instant messages to trick you into divulging sensitive information, like bank account passwords and credit card numbers. Once you take the phishers bait, they can use the information to create fake accounts in your name, ruin your credit, and steal your money or even your identity.† This is a serious issue that takes some skill to recognize to evade taking the phisher’s bait. First and foremost is to educate yourself on phishing attacks or scams. Know what it looks like. There are many resources that you have available to you on the internet to learn how to spot a phishing attack and a legitimist email. The Department of Defense offers a grea t course on how to spot a phishing email at A more specific attack is whaling. explains â€Å"The adoption of the term ‘Whaling’ within phishing is fairly new and may have been derived from the use of ‘Whales’ within gambling to refer to big-time gamblers and high rollers, but most likely come from the colloquialism for â€Å"big fish†. Regardless, Whaling describes the most focused type of phishing currently encountered by businesses or government – targeted attacks against groups of high-level executives within a single organization, or executive positions common to multiple organizations (e.g. the CTO or CFO). In a whaling attack, the phisher focuses upon a very small group of senior personnel within an organization and tries to steal their credentials – preferably through the installation of malware that provides back-door functionality and key logging. By focusing upon this small group, the phisher can invest more time in the attack and finely tune his message to achieve the highest likelihood of success. Note that these messages need not be limited to email. Some scams have relied upon regular postage systems to deliver infected media – for example, a CD supposedly containing evaluation software from a known supplier to the CIO, but containing a hidden malware installer.† So if you’re not a high level employee, you’re probably wondering how this is important to you. How phishers go about their scam is by obtaining little bits of what some would consider being harmless information from other employees about level executives and projects going on in the company. They start at the bottom to get more information at the top. So in all actuality it very much concerns everyone in the company. This leads me in to my last but important area of cyber security: insider threat. Frankly, that is you. Every employee is potentially an insider threat. So let me define it a little better with some help from â€Å"An insider threat is a malicious hacker (also called a cracker or a black hat) who is an employee or officer of a business, institution, or agency. The term can also apply to an outside person who poses as an employee or officer by obtaining false credentials. The cracker obtains access to the computer systems or networks of the enterprise, and then conducts activities intended to cause harm to the enterprise. Insider threats are often disgruntled employees or ex-employees who believe that the business, institution, or agency has done them wrong and feel justified in gaining revenge. The malicious activity usually occurs in four steps or phases. First, the cracker gains entry to the system or network. Secondly, the cracker investigates the nature of the system or network in order to learn where the vulnerable points are and where the most damage can be caused with the least effort. Thirdly, the cracker sets up a workstation from which the nefarious activity can be conducted. Finally, the actual destructive activity takes place. The damage caused by an insider threat can take many forms, including the introduction of viruses, worms, or Trojan horses; the theft of information or corporate secrets; the theft of money; the corruption or deletion of data; the altering of data to produce inconvenience or false criminal evidence; and the theft of the identities of specific individuals in the ente rprise. Protection against the insider threat involves measures similar to those recommended for Internet users, such as the use of multiple spyware scanning programs, anti-virus programs, firewalls, and a rigorous data backup and archiving routine.† It could also be an employee giving away what you would consider to be harmless information like an email address, a project you are working on at work, how many people you work with, or even where you work and the location of the building. Even with some of the best antivirus software, a stellar knowledge of phishing, and an elite cyber security system, an insider threat can penetrate that because they most the time have the credentials to log it to the system and pull resources ligitimently so it would go unnoticed. So how can you help protect you network or your company’s network from an insider threat? Simply, don’t be one. Always be sure to only give information that the other person is on the same level to receive. Secondly is to educate yourself on insider threat prevention. There is a plethora of resources to do just that. A helpful one is Also watch for signs of curious activity with co workers. Report any evidence or suspicions to your supervisor. So in conclusion, prevention starts with you. Buy up to date antivirus software. avoid risky sites, educate yourself on what a phishing attack looks like, know what a legitimate email is, don’t be an insider threat and educate yourself about things to look for from other co workers. Cyber security is a serious threat and is a major issue that needs to be taken seriously. It is not just something for the IT department to worry about but starts with every one making sure to take the appropriate security measures to make the cyber world more secure.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Literature Review: Motives for Travelling

Literature Review: Motives for Travelling 2.1 Introduction This chapter consists of three parts. First is introduction, next is literature reviews that review the critical points of previous researches including substantive finding as well as theoretical and methodological contributions to this similar topic. Lastly, a conclusion to this chapter. 2.2 Literature Review Research in the area of travel motives is important in understanding and predicting the factors that influence travel decision-making (Cha, S., McCleary, K.W. and Uysal, M., 1995). Motivation is theoretically viewed as ‘a state of need, a condition that serves as a driving force to display different kinds of behavior toward certain types of activities, developing preferences, arriving at some expected satisfactory outcome. (Backman, K.F. Backman, S.J., Uysal, M. and Sunshine, K.M.,1995) In particular, an understanding of motivation assist marketers efforts to achieve and satisfy individuals diverse desires and needs, key elements that influence the process of travelers decision-making (Crompton,J.L. and McKay S.L.,1997). Studies of motivation thus provide to predict travelers personal needs, expectations, achievements, or benefits sought (Formica,S. and Uysal, M.,1998). A brief review of travel motivation research (Table 1) published in three major tourism journals – Annals of Tourism Research, Tourism Management, and Journal of Travel Research – revealed that existing studies have covered a wide range of the spectrum, there are included the sociology of travel motivation as a stimulator of actual behavior (Dann 1977; Mansfeld 1992); travel motivation of different niche markets (Clift and Forrest 1999; Dunn Ross and Iso-Ahola 1991; Hsu, Cai, and Wong 2007; Maoz 2007; Qu and Ping 1999; Rittichainuwat 2008); the development or empirical test of travel motivation measurements (Crompton 1979; Dann 1981; Fodness 1994; Ryan and Glendon 1998); differences in motivation among tourists with varied nationality and cultural backgrounds (Kim and Prideaux 2005; Maoz 2007), number of visits (Lau and McKercher 2004), destinations and origins (Kozak 2002), sociodemographic characteristic (Jang and Wu 2006; Fleischer and Pizam 2002), or environmental a ttitude (Luo and Deng 2008). Authors Study Dann 1977 A sociological study of travel motivation, with a focus on the push dimension of motivation. Crompton 1979 The motivation for pleasure vacation. Seven motivation factors were identified through interviews. Dann 1981 Based on a literature review on travel motivation, seven approaches of motivation study were identified. The utilization of different terminologies was also discussed Dunn Ross and Iso-Ahola 1991 Motivation of sightseeing tourists in relation to their satisfaction Mansfeld 1992 The role of motivation in travel behavior and its complex nature Paul 1992 Travel motivation of Canadian ecotourists Parrinello 1993 Relationship between anticipation and motivation in postindustrial societies in the context of Western Europe Fodness 1994 A measurement scale was developed for leisure travel with 20 items. Lieux, weaver; and McCleary 1994 Benefit segmentation of senior tourists from the United States Gnoth 1997 Development of theoretical model on motivation and expectation formation Formica and Uysal 1998 Benefit segmentation of visitors to a cultural-historical event in Italy Ryan and Glendon 1998 The Leisure Motivation Scale was applied to tourism with British holidaymakers. An abbreviated version of holiday motivation scale with 14 items was developed. Waller and Lea 1998 Relationship between authenticity seeking and enjoyment. The knowledge dimension of motivation was found to mediate this relationship. Clift and Forrest 1999 The motivation of gay men in relation to the type of destinations they preferred in the context of the United Kingdom Qu and Ping 1999 Motivation of cruise selection in the context of Hong Kong Goossens 2000 The role of emotional component of travel motivation in stimulating actual travel behavior Fleischer and Pizam 2002 Relationship between motivation and Israeli senior travelers income and health Kozak 2002 Differences of motivation among tourists visiting different destinations and tourist from different countries visiting same destination with respondents from the United Kingdom and Germany Sirakaya, Uysal, and Yoshioka 2003 Benefits segmentation of Japanese tourists to Turkey Lau and McKercher Differences of travel motivation between first-time and repeat visitors to Hong Kong Kim and Prideaux 2005 A cross-cultural analysis on travel motivation to South Korea among five national tourist groups Pearce and Lee 2005 Further development of the Travel Career Ladder by introducing Travel Career Pattern (TCP). The relationship between previous experience and motivation was explored by TCP. Yoon and Uysal 2005 Causal relationship between push-pull motivations, satisfaction, and destination loyalty. Pull factors were found to negatively influence satisfaction. Jang and Wu 2006 Influences of sociodemographic factors, economic status, health status, and positive and negative effects on travel motivation among Taiwanese seniors Chang, wall, and Chu 2006 Benefits segmentation using the novelty seeking scale in the context of Taiwanese tourists to aboriginal attractions Nicolau and Mas 2006 Influences of travel distance and price on destination selection, with travel motivation as a moderator in the context of Spain Poria, Reichel, and Biran 2006 Relationship between perception of heritage as it is related to the tourists own heritage and motivation explored before the trip Snerpenger et al. 2006 Tourists and recreationist were comparing using Iso-Aholas motivation theory. The relationship between motivation and previous vacations was investigated. Swanson and Horridge 2006 Causal relationship between souvenir shopping and four motivational factors in the context of Southwestern United States Beh and Bruyere 2007 Benefits segmentation in the context of Kenya Hsu, Cai, and Wong 2007 A theoretical model of senior travel motivation in the context of China Maoz 2007 Travel motivation of Israeli backpackers, investigated in relation to national and cultural characteristics Luo and Deng 2008 Relationship between environmental attitude and nature-based tourism motivation Rittichainuwat 2008 Travel motivation to a tourism destination, using the disaster-hit beach resort in Phuket as an example. Comparison was made between domestic and inbound tourists, and between tourists of different ages and genders. Park and Yoon 2009 Benefit segmentation of rural tourism in the context of South Korea Table1. Brief Summary of Studies on Travel Motivation (Adopted from Cathy H.C. Hsu, Liping A. Cai and Mimi Li, 2009) Many researchers from different fields such as from sociology, anthropology, and psychology have investigated travel motivation since many years ago (Cohen, 1972; Dann, 1977; Crompton, 1979; Gnoth, 1997). Maslows hierarchical theory of motivation was one of the most applied in tourism literature (1970) and it was model as a pyramid whose base consists of the physiological needs, followed by higher levels of psychological needs and the need for self-actualization. Numerous tourism scholars have attempted to modify the model empirically, with the notable success by Pearce (1982), who projected a tourism motivation model that mirrors the model of Maslow, but free of prepotency assumption. Fulfilling Prestige Push Seeking Relaxation Factors Sightseeing Variety Gaining Knowledge Events and Activities Pull Adventure Factors History and Culture Easy Access and Affordable A review of past researches on tourist motivation indicates that the analysis of motivations based on the two dimensions of push and pull factors have been generally accepted (Yuan McDonald, 1990; Uysal Hagan, 1993). The concept behind push and pull dimension is that people travel because they are pushed by their own inner forces and pulled by the outer forces of destination attributes. Most of the push factors that are origin-related are intangible or intrinsic desires of the individual travelers. Pull factors, vice versa, are those that emerge because of the attractiveness of that particular destination, as the travelers perceive it. They include tangible resources and travelers perception and expectation such as benefit expectation, novelty and marketed image of the destination. A research model is then developing based on this theory at below diagram (adapted from Baloglu Uysal, 1996). Travel Motivation Crompton (1979) first sought to draw seven socio-psychological, or push motives such as escape, self-exploratory, relaxation, prestige, regression, kinship-enhancement, and social interaction) and two cultural, or pull motives that are novelty and education. The conceptual framework that he developed would giving impact the selection of a destination, and this approach implies that the destination can have some degree of influence on vacation behavior in meeting an aroused need. As Cromptons initial empirical effort, many studies have attempted to recognize push and pull motivational factors in different settings such as nationalities, destinations and events (Jang and Wu, 2006). Example incorporated Yuan and McDonalds (1990) study on motivations for overseas travel from four countries: Japan, France, West Germany and UK. While Uysal and Jurowski (1993) studied, the nature and extent of the reciprocal relationship between push and pull factors of motivations for pleasure travel with using data from the Canadian Tourism Attribute and Motivation Survey. Another study in Australia examined the nature and usefulness of the relationship between these two factors of motivation by utilizing canonical correlation analysis (Oh, H., M., Uysal, P. Weaver, 1995). Baloglu and Uysal (1996) claimed that the concept of product bundles is used to refer to the perceived significance of the interaction between push and pull items of motivation. This implies that certain reasons for travel may correspond to certain benefits that are to be valued and obtained at the destination spot. Based on the intrinsic and extrinsic motivations, as discussed above, the individual tourist builds their perceptions, and the perceptions can be differ from the true attributes of the product depending on how the individual receives and process information (Gartner, 1993; Dann, 1996; Baloglu and Brinberg, 1997). A general conclusion can be drawn that the personal motives or called push motives and the view of the characteristics of the tourism destination (pull motives) determine perceptions. These motives interact in dynamic and evolving context (Correia, 2000), and the tourist motivation is seen as a multidimensional concept that indicates tourist decision (McCabe, 200 0). As tourism paradigm is related to human beings and human nature, it is always a complex proposition to study why people travel and what they want to enjoy (Yoon and Uysal, 2005). In most studies, it is generally accepted that push and pull motivations have been primarily utilized in studies of tourist behavior. The discoveries and issues undoubtedly play a use role in attempting to understand a wide different of needs and wants that can drive and influence tourist behavior. Nevertheless, Yoon and Uysal (2005) said that the results and effects of the motivation studies of tourist behavior need more than an understanding of their needs and wants. In tourism destination management, it was generally agree that maximizing travel satisfaction is crucial for a successful business. The evaluation of the physical products of destination as well as the psychological interpretation of a destination product are important for human actions (Swan and Comb, 1976; Uysal and Noe, 2003), which could be further represented as a travel satisfaction and destination faithfulness. Both concepts can be examined within the context of a tourism system representing two major components of the market place, namely, demand (tourist) and supply (tourism attractions) which demand refers to motives (push factors) that sustain tourists desire while supple relates to destinations characteristics (pull factors) (Jurowski et al., 1996). Push and pull factors have generally been characterized to two separate decisions made at two separate period in time – one focusing on whether to go, the other on where to go. For instance, Dann (1981) noted that ‘once the trip has been decided upon, where to go, what to see or what to do (relating to the specific destinations) can be tackled and this make a conclude that, analytically, both logically and temporally, push factors precede pull factor. Although these two factors has been viewed as relating to two distinct decisions, several researchers have distinguished that they should not be viewed as operating entirely independent of each others. For example, it has suggested that people travel because they are pushed by their own intrinsic forces and simultaneously pulled by the extrinsic forces such as the destination and its attributes (Cha, McCleary, and Uysal 1995; Uysal and Jurowskil, 1994). However, Crompton (1979) argued, push factors ‘may be useful not only in explaining the initial arousal, energizing, or ‘push; to take a vacation, but may also have directive potential to direct the tourist toward a particular destination (p.412). Several empirical examinations of push and pull factors had been reported in the travel and tourism literature. Of the prior research that examined the students and/or spring break travel market (Butts, F.B., J. Salazar, K. Sapio, and D. Thomas, 1996; Field, 1999; Hobson and Josiam, 1992,1996; Hsu and Sung, 1996,1997; Sirakaya and McLellan, 1997), there have been no investigations of push forces and only a handful of attempts to study the pull factors influencing students destination choice decision. In another study, conducted by Hobson and Josiam (1992), students were asked to list their primary reason for choosing a spring break destination and most responses referred to the influence of friends and/or family living near or going to the destination, other reasons referred to destination-related attributes such as the destination having s spring break party reputation, warm weather, affordable pricing, quiet environment, good skiing, or good beaches. Another study, conducted by Butts et al. (1996), found that the reasons that most attractive students referred to s sunny climate, nature, a wide choice of accommodations, price of accommodations, the destinations nightlife reputation, and recommendations from others. In Sirakaya and McLellan (1997) study, they asked students to rate the importance of 56 attributes involved in selecting a spring break destination. Factor analysis was then used to reduce the 56 attributes to a set of 9 factors that labeled ‘local hospitality and services, ‘trip cost and convenience, ‘perceptions of a safe/secure environment, ‘change in daily life environment, ‘recreation and sporting activities, ‘entertainment and drinking opportunities, ‘personal and historical link, ‘cultural an shopping services, and ‘unusual and distant vacation spot. The most rated factor is local hospitality and services. However, this factor was made up of seven rather diverse attributes: climate, availability of beaches, good accommodations, large hotels, feeling welcomed, friendly residents, and good food. While these attributes may all be highly vital to visitors (thus explaining why they would load together on the same factor), one would expect that the basis of their importance would diverse considerably. It means each attribute may derive its importance or meaning from very different sources and the importance of a particular attribute may well be a function of multiple motivational forces. For example, beaches may be important to respondents because they manage to pay for opportunities for water-based recreation, getting a tan, and socializing with other tourists. Simple said, people may have multiple and possibly very diverse reasons for valuing the same attribute or pull factor. Psychographics have been recognized as being very meaningful and relevant (Shih, 1986) and very vital means to provide extra information beyond the demographic characteristics (Abbey, 1997). Abbey claimed that psychographic variables produce significant differences between groups of consumers, and these differences are larger than the differences produced by the demographic profiles, thus, psychographics are more useful (Mayo, 1975) than demographics in describing consumers because they better differentiate between them (Ryel Grasse, 1991). Various researchers have utilized psychographic data in their studies such as Shih (1986) used values, attitudes, and lifestyles (VALS) to assess whether personal values affect the selection of Pennsylvania as a holiday destination. Pizam and Calantone (1987) used abundant value scales and reported that travel behavior was determined by a persons general and vacation-specific lifestyle. Menzes and Chandra (1989) used the personality trait descriptors to profile the U.S. tourists visiting far-away destinations in the Far East and compared them with other overseas destination segments. Kassarjian (1971) used the personality concept to clarify consumer product and media choice, risk taken, and persuasibility. Rokeach (1979) give a definition to values as ‘beliefs about desirable goals and modes of conduct'(p.41). Values are criteria that people use to direct their behavior, evaluate, and judge themselves and others, come to a decision what is worth believing in and doing and it also determine social behavior (Rokeach, 1979). Rokeach (1973) argued that the differences in peoples cultural values determine differences in their behavior because values determine cultural differences in thinking, activities, attitudes, motivations, and human needs. It said that values control behavioral variables that interact with and influence each other. For example, values of visitors provide an indication of the visitors personality (Pitts Woodside, 1986), values represent a alternate for personality traits (Dhalla Mahatto, 1976; Howard, 1977). Values manipulate peoples motivations (Bailey, 1991). Values are mainly useful in the assessment of the customers motivation (Dichter, 1984; Munson, 1984). They are a means to better understand consumer motivations (Henry, 1976; Kahle, 91984; Leesig, 1976; Vinson, Scott, Lamont, 1977) because it allow marketers to better understand the individuals motives in making travel decisions (Pitts Woodside, 1986). Pitts and Woodside (1986) claimed that travel motivation is directly influence by peoples values. For example, the motivation to travel to New Zealand to experience challenge and adventure or to spend a quiet vacation close to origin places is determine by travelers values. Values also symbolize the preferences for actions (Kluckhohn Strodtbeck, 1951). Value profiles allow for differentiating between those who participate in particular travel-related activity behavior (Pitts Woodside, 1986). It also appears to determine peoples lifestyle (Dhalla Mahatto, 1976; Howard, 1977). Mitchell (1983) used a VALS (value-lifestyle) typology to separate Americans into nine different lifestyle types, which were further group in four categories based on their values, each of these groups with different travel habits. The importance of the personality characteristics of the individual, in combination with other psychographic factors was stressed (Plog, 1974). Plog (1991) reported that personality determines destination travel patterns and also travelers motivation as well as activities. Allocentric travelers tend to travel to unfamiliar and unique destination such as China and Africa; they are active, independent, motivated by novelty, discovery, and meeting with new people, and focus on varied activities. Psychocentric travelers tend to visit familiar and well-established locations such as Hawaii; they are less active, prefer to travel in groups, and participate in common activities (Plog, 1972). Leisure-oriented traveler were more intrinsically motivated (e.g., by doing things for their own sake, obtaining purely internal rewards only) than those who were extrinsically motivated (e.g., by money or social approval) (Ingham, 1986). Intrinsically motivated individual also could cope better with stressful life events and activities (Maddi Kobasa, 1981). Personality found to be a major determinant of preferences for activities as well. In a study of high school student activity participation, Howard (1976) acknowledged a high correlation between personality measures and preferences for leisure activities. Eysenck (1976, 1981) found that extroverts and introverts engaged in different activities. Extroverts is those who needed to have people around them, easygoing, liked socializing and preferred highly social activities such as parties while introverts who tended to be shy and cautions preferred a well-ordered lifestyle, avoided social activities and excitement. Besides, it was noted that individuals who sought sensation spent more time engaged in highly stimulating and risky activities than those who did not seek sensation (Zuckerman, 1979). Plog (1991) reported that the energy (high energy) and lethargy (low energy) level determines various activities levels between tourists Iso-Ahola (1980) argued that the relationship between motivation and activities was affected by different social environment as well as social influences. For example, low correlations between motivation and the degree and extent of activity were found. This might be due to a number of problems such as the lack of specifications of the distinct activities in surveys, the respondents lack of time or finance to participate in activities, lack of the facilities available (Ruskin Shamir, 1984), information about activities, perceived incompetence, or sociocultural constraints (Iso-Ahola Mannell, 1985). An individuals lifestyle is made up of a pattern of daily routine activities (Roberts, 1978). Some lifestyles are characterized by a numerous of activities; others are specialized and limited to a few favored activities. Person lifestyles were represented by the most popular activities (Glyptis, 1981). A number of contrasting lifestyles based on peoples activities patterns had been notable (Glyptis, 1981). Differences in lifestyle were found between foreign and domestic travelers (Woodside Pitts, 1976), visitors and non-visitors to national parks (Mayo, 1975), tourists to Massachusetts (Schewe Calantone, 1978) and in history-oriented and non-history-oriented travelers (Solomon George, 1977). Every segment had different travel motivations and preferences for vacation activities. Distinct vacation styles were identifying for various groups of vacationers such as Goodrich (1978) identified different vacation lifestyles for four groups of holidaymakers. For example, passive entertainment, active sports, outdoor types, and historical and cultural interests – each of it with different interests and preferences for vacation activities. Crask (1981) identified differences in five vacation segments such as rest and relaxation vacationers, sightseers, cost conscious/ attraction-oriented, sports enthusiasts, and campers which all with distinct vacation interests, motivation, and preferences for activities. Shih (1986) who reported different lifestyles for three major segments such as belongers, achievers, and societal conscious – each with different interests and criteria when selecting vacation destination. Another study is Zins (1999) which identified nine different vacation styles for distinct psychographic profiles of travelers (sightseeing tourist, family escapist, carefree wellness tourist, comfort seeker, demanding pleasure traveler, cultural interactionist, ambience seeker, relax-in-safety tourist, and nature-loving vacationer) with each of them obtained different preferences for vacation activities. Gonzalez and Bell (2002) explained that lifestyle permitted greater knowledge of variables in influencing travel behavior. The study conducted in Spain manage to identify five tourist lifestyle – ‘Home Loving, ‘Idealistic, ‘Autonomous, ‘Hedonistic, and ‘Conservative. ‘Home Loving generally focused on family life, they preferred to have a vacation accompanied by their families, and domestic destinations are the most frequent for a vacation destination. ‘Idealistic is the group who enjoy music, sport, theatre or outdoor activities and they does not spend much money on accommodation and is fond of country villages. Meanwhile, for ‘Autonomous, they view success as fundamentally linked with individual freedom and independence and places great emphasis on enjoying life and are not attracted to cultural activities. They spend their holiday time using low-priced accommodation and favor city destinations. The ‘Hedonistic segment consists of individual that attracted to pleasure and tends to travel in the company of friends and they are those people attracted to newly arrived products or services on the market. Lastly, ‘Conservative is a home-loving segment, they focuses on the wellbeing of their family. They are attracted to traditional domestic seaside destinations. Hawes (1988) conducted a study of travel-related lifestyle that was base on an age-specific (demography) study. It was focusing on older women. Factor analysis result, showed three major underlying dimension within this group travel, which were labeled as ‘traveler, ‘laid back and ‘dreamer. The traveler focus on vacation travel orientation and is generally associated with singleness or small household size, activeness, acceptance or liking of excitement and uncertainty, higher income and education. The ‘laid back indicates an acceptance of vacation travel but essentially of the domestic, unexciting, unhurried, quite and relaxing, more concerned with indebtedness and less affluent. The ‘dreamer reflects an orientation in vicarious thrills and wishing or dreaming substitute for the real thing and television was found to be their main resource of information for travel decision. Nicolau and Mas (2004) find that personal characteristics such as personal restrictions and socio-demographic and psychographic characteristics relate to the holiday decisions of going on holiday, chosen destination, foreign holidays and multi-destination holidays. A number of studies investigate constraints on travel behavior that arguably differ from general leisure behavior in many ways, such as cost, commitment and durations. It was said that constraints and facilitators operate differently in influencing travel intention and choice. Age is an extremely important travel constraint and Romsa and Blenman (1989) study the vacation patterns of elderly Germans, and Teaff and Turpin (1996) study the older Americans travel behavior. They both agreed that the taking of vacations declines with age. Socio-economic, physical, psychological, and physiological (age related) constraints play an important position in the underlying processes related to the behavior of elderly vacationer (Romsa et al., 1989). The choices of vacation destination and holiday activities are constrained by the physical situation of seniors. Intergenerational effects also probable operate to impact on the travel of these older persons. Nevertheless, Teaff and Turpin (1996) find that older Americans travel more frequently and longer distances, stay away longer, and rely more on travel agents than other segments of the people. Some evidence, though, shows that travelers take longer vacations after age of retirement. Retirees are significantly more likely to be constrained by disability, perception of age, physical energy, and health conditions. The family cycle is also a important constraint to travel choice behavior. In a study of the family life cycle (FLC) of German travelers, Opperman (1995) argued that FLC affects travel patterns considerably. There are many aspects of the tourists travel pattern relate to the stages of their family life cycle. Destination choice, transportation and usage of accommodation relate to differences in economic status and in discretionary income available for travelling. Lifetime experience, choices of accommodation and destination differ according to age stage. Travel purpose and especially the travel season were influenced by the family life cycle. Children have been traveled as an influence on family travel decision such as in Nickerson and Jurowski (2001) study the influences of children on vacation travel patterns that provide a perspective about planning and development with a view to increasing child satisfaction at the destination. Gilber and Hudson (2000) see life cycle as a useful conceptual and analytical framework to investigate the experience of leisure constraints. Many life cycle issues contribute to personal ecology research and researchers concluded that different people do not experience constraints in the similar way. McGehee, N., Loker-Murphy,L. and Uysal, M. (1996) investigate the Australian international pleasure market with used gender and other demographic factors such as marital status, age, education, occupation and income to analyze travel motivation and travel patterns, finding that Australia women and men are motivated differently in their pleasure travel experience. Meric and Hunt (1998) find eco-tourists tend to be middle-aged and have higher education and income levels to reveals the general and specific activity preferences of them. It is likely that selected demographics can act as a determinant of travel preferences, possibly influencing preferred activities and their demographics can act as a constraint on travel intention and behavior. Mayo and Jarvis (1981) claimed out that, ‘a common denominator that probably underlies all forms of leisure travel is the need for variety. Well-adjusted individuals need a balance of consistency and complexity in their lives by seeking consistency in certain domains of experience and complexity in others, consistency theory explains that ‘people, expecting a particular thing to happen, do not want to be confronted by something unexpected'(Mayo and Jarvis, 1981). On the other hand, complexity theory states that ‘novelty, unexpectedness, change, and unpredictability are pursued because they are inherently satisfying (Mayo and Jarvis, 1981). They also stated that travel allows people to escape from the boredom of ‘consistency and tension allows us to experience ‘complexity of novelty, change, and unpredictability. Correspondingly, Iso-Ahola (1980) noted that people search for different levels of stimulation; they avoid either over stimulation (mental and physical fatigue) or boredom (too little stimulation. He claimed that leisure needs change during the life span and across place and social company and that, individuals do not have numerous leisure needs in mind and do not rationalize specific cause of participation if their involvement is intrinsically motivated. Besides, it is important of participants feelings of self-determination and competence to ensure satisfaction (Iso-Ahola, 1980). Two types of motivations are: 1) physiological motivations stemming from biological needs, such as food, waste elimination and water, and 2) psychological, motivations

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Elvis Life :: essays research papers

On a hot Saturday afternoon in the late summer of 1953, a beat up ford pickup truck sat in front of The Memphis Recording Studio, where, anyone for 4 dollars a pop could make themselves a record. The truck driver- an eighteen year old, aspiring country music singer who made only $40 a week as a deliveryman for crown electric had saved up four dollars to sing and play guitar as a late birthday present for his mother. A woman by the name of Marion Keisker made conversation with the young man. â€Å"What kind of singer are you?† She asked him. â€Å"I sing all kinds,† he said. â€Å"Well, who do you sound like?† she asked. â€Å"I don’t sound like nobody,† he replied. â€Å"Do you sing hillbilly?† she asked. â€Å"Yeah, I sing hillbilly,† he said. â€Å"Well, what hillbilly do you sound like?† she asked. â€Å"I don’t sound like nobody,† he said. It was at last the young man’s turn. Ms. Keisker went to the back of the studio to get everything setup and decided to stay back and listen to him sing. For his first number, he chose â€Å"My Happiness,† a popular song sung by the Ink spots, and for the his second number, â€Å"That’s When your Heart Ache Begins.† On both songs he accompanied himself on guitar. While performing his first number Ms Keisker was very impressed and secretly recorded the last part of the first song and all of the second song. The Monday morning she gave the tape to Sam Phillips her boss and president of Sun Records. Phillips was very impressed with the young man’s voice. Who would have thought that this silly little recording would soon make a young man the â€Å"King of Rock N’ Roll!† On January 8, 1935, Gladys and Vernon Presley gave birth to a stillborn to whom they gave the name Jesse and 35 minutes later gave birth to his identical twin Elvis Aaron Presley. Elvis was born in East Tupelo Mississippi and was raised by his mother and father who were extremely over protective of him and taught him to be very well behaved and polite. From a very young age Elvis showed evidence of having an exceptional singing talent. By the age of eight he was singing hymns with his mother and father at camp meetings, revivals, and at the Sunday morning services of the First assembly of God Church.

Friday, July 19, 2019

The Disadvantages Of Standardized Testing Essay -- High-Stakes Standard

Standardized tests must be improved. Instead of traditional standardized testing, random testing should be put in place and tests themselves should be reconstructed to promote fairness, reduce errors and and more accurately assess student’s knowledge. Testing should be done to random groups of students on random dates throughout the year. There will be a large enough group of students to give a good idea of how well material is being taught but a small enough group that not everyone needs to take the test. Cheating is a major problem with standardized tests. Cheating leads to inaccurate test scores (Dolezalek 71). In many cases of it is the teachers that are the ones cheating. â€Å"About 10 percent of the teachers admitted to providing hints about the answers during the test administration; about 10 percent pointed out mismarked items by students; about 15 percent of the teachers provided more time for the test than was allowed; and about 5 percent of the teachers engaged in instruction during the test† (Dolezalek 73). Teachers can also cheat by altering finished tests by filling in blank answers or fixing the answers at the end of the test which tend to be the hardest (Dolezalek 75). Teachers are often pushed by administrators who also cheat for their schools. â€Å"In July 2011 the Georgia Bureau of Investigation released a report on the Atlanta Public Schools charging a widespread cheating conspiracy over a ten year period by 178 teachers, principals and administrators to f ix answers on the statewide competency test† (â€Å"Pressure Caused Teachers to Cheat†). The fact that federal budgets can be determined by tests causes some schools and states to cheat (Dolezalek 76). Schools cheat because the system for determining budgets makes n... ...argets Has Caused Teachers to Cheat.† Standardized Testing. Ed. Dedria Bryfonski. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2012. At Issue. Rpt. from â€Å"GBI Reveals Why Cheating Occurred in Atlanta Public Schools.† Teacher World. 10 July 2011. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web 4 March 2014. â€Å"Why Can Some Kids Handle the Pressure While Others Fall Apart?† The New York Times. The New York Times, 6 Feb. 2013. Web. 10 March 2014. â€Å"Why Standardized Tests Don’t Measure Educational Quality.† ASCD. Educational Leadership, March 1999. Web. 10 March 2014. Walberg, Herbert J. â€Å"Standardized Tests Effectively Measure Student Achievement.† Standardized Testing. Ed. Dedria Bryfonski. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2012. At Issue. Rpt. of â€Å"Stop the War Against Standardized Tests.† Defining Ideas: A Hoover Institution Journal. (20 May 2011). Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 7 March 2014.

Leadership Theories Essay -- Trait Theory

Trait Theory â€Å"Leadership is a process whereby an individual influences a group of individuals to achieve a common goal† (Northouse, 2010, pg. 3). In an increasingly politically correct, democratic society—where equality of treatment and equity of outcome oftentimes overshadow individual performance—trait theory of leadership has managed to survive. Instead of focusing on the context of a specific leadership situation or the subordinates in an organization, trait theory targets only the man or woman in charge. Essentially, trait theory suggests that potential leaders and great leaders who have already demonstrated success are best analyzed in a vacuum. While trait theory may have fallen in an out of favor over the past century, it does have certain advantages that are especially pertinent to those in the military. Before treading any further into its occupational applicability, however, the reader will benefit from a brief survey of trait theory’s origins, approach, strengths, and critiques. Origins Arguably the first approach to the study of leadership, the trait approach was employed in the field long before it was tackled in the classroom. After all, Sun Tzu preached â€Å"know your enemy† (Sun Tzu, 2006 pg. 34) long before Socrates entreated students to â€Å"know thyself† (Brickhouse, 1996, pg. 74). From ancient battlefields to philosophical mysteries, understanding the inherent characteristics of a person has proven a worthy goal. People’s aspirations to leadership however, had yet to be matched with a theoretical basis for many years. It was not until the early 20th century that the topic found itself under the scholar’s gaze. Approach Initial studies often focused on the â€Å"great man† approach, whereby already s... ... pg. 26). Together, trait theory and LMX theory can help explain not only how perceptions are formed about individuals, but how those perceptions can be detrimental to the organization. More specifically, by using trait theory to form an immediate assessment on an individual, a leader is more likely to place that individual in the in-group or out-group. As a future platoon leader, it is especially important for me to maintain a vigilant stance toward bias. As the stress of the position mounts, I know that I will be more likely to resort to spontaneous judgments about people. Depending how the given situation is resolved, the soldiers involved (or left uninvolved) may feel as if they are members of an in-group or out-group. By knowing and employing these and other theories to my advantage, I hope to emerge as an adaptable and deliberate leader of soldiers.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Renaissance and Discovery

Renaissance and Discovery I The Renaissance in Italy A. The renaissance was the period when people began to adopt a rational and statistical approach to reality and rediscovered the worth and creativity of the individual. Most scholars agree that the Renaissance (which meaner â€Å"rebirth† in French) was a transition from medieval to modern times. Before the change, Europe was a fragmented feudal society with an agricultural economy with a church who dominated their thoughts and culture. Once the change happened, Europe was a growing nation, an urban economy, and people had new opinions on thought, culture, and religion.The Italian Renaissance began with the deaths of Patriarch (the â€Å"father† of humanism) and Biochip (author of the Decadence). With that, the Florentine humanist culture spread through Italy and into northern Europe. Scholars considered ‘civic humanism' describe the coalescence of humanism and civic reform. 1 . The Renaissance first shaped up w ithin the merchant cities of late medieval Italy. Italy had a cultural advantage over the rest of Europe because it had a natural gateway between East and West.Once commerce revived on a large scale, their merchants quickly mastered the business skills in organization, book keeping, cutting new markets, and securing monopolies. The trade-rich cities became powerful city-states and dominated the political and economic life around the area. The endemic warfare spawned assisted the growth of Italian cities and urban culture. The factions might have subdued the cities as they permitted each other to concentrate on. Instead, they decided to weaken each other which strengthened the merchant oligarchies of the cities.Unlike cities which were dominated by kings and princes, the Italian cities remained free to expand their own. Five major, competitive tastes evolved: the duchy of Milan, the republics of Florence and Venice, the Papal States, and the kingdom of Naples. Social strife and compe tition for political power intensified that most evolved into despotisms in order to survive. Florence was the best example of social division and anarchy. Four social groups existed within the city; the old rich, or grand, the nobles, and merchants who ruled the city.In the late 13th and early 14th centuries they began to challenge the old rich for political power. In 1457 about 30,000 people were officially considered paupers, which meant having no wealth at all. These divisions caused conflict to every level of society which added to fear of foreign intrigue. True stability did not return until the ascent to power of the Florentine banker and statesman in 1434. Medici was the wealthiest Florentine and natural statesman who controlled the city internally behind the scenes, manipulating the constitution and influencing elections.A council which was known as the Signora governed the city, these men were chosen from the most powerful guilds representing the major clothing industries, or other groups like bankers, judges, and doctors. Medici was able to keep councilors loyal to him in the Signora. His grandson Lorenz the Magnificent ruled Florence in almost totalitarian fashion during the last chaotic quarter of the 15th century. To prevent internal social conflict and foreign intrigue from stopping their cities, the dominant groups installed hi strongmen or despots. Their purpose was to maintain law and order.Since despots couldn't count on the loyalty of the populace, they worked through mercenary armies through military brokers known as conditioner. Not only was a despot subject to dismissal by oligarchies which hired him, but he was also a popular object of assassination attempts. Most city-states' ambassadors not only represented them in ceremonies and negotiations, but became their watchful eyes and ears at rival courts. Such widespread support occurred because of the main requirement for patronage of the arts and letters was what Italian cities had in abu ndance:great wealth. . Some scholars believe humanists were the champions of Catholic Christianity, opposed to the pagan teachings of Aristotle and the Scholasticism his writings nurtured. To others, it was a neutral form of historical scholarship adopted to promote above all sense of responsibility and political liberty. Humanism was the study of the Latin and Greek classics and the ancient Church Fathers for its own sake and in hope of reviving respect ancient norms and values. The Florentine Leonardo Bruin gave the name humanists to the learning that resulted from scholarly pursuits.Bruin was a star student of Manuel Chrysalis, the Byzantine scholar who opened the world of Greek scholarship to humanists when he taught in Florence. The first humanists were orators and poets who wrote original literature in classical and vernacular languages inspired by and modeled on the newly discovered works of the ancients. The study of classical and Christian antiquity existed before the Itali an Renaissance. These precedents only partially compared with the achievements of the Italian Renaissance of the 14th/1 5th centuries.Unlike their Scholastic rivals, humanists were less bound to recent tradition; nor did they focus their attention on summarizing and comparing the views of recognized authorities. Italian humanists made the full riches of Greek and Latin antiquity available to contemporary scholars. Patriarch was the â€Å"father of humanism. † He was involved in a popular revolt in Rome and served the Viscount family in Milan. His most famous contemporary work was a collection of highly introspective love sonnets to a certain Laura, who was a married woman he romantically admired from a distance.His critical textual studies, elitism, and contempt for the learning of the Scholastics were later shared by humanists. He was far more secular in orientation than his near-contemporary Dante Aligner. He had also been an avid collector of manuscripts and also assembled an encyclopedia of Greek and Roman mythology. The goal of humanist studies was wisdom eloquently spoken, both knowledge of the good and the ability to move others to sire it. Pitter Paolo Verger left a summary of the humanist concept of a liberal education. The ideal of a useful education and well rounded people inspired far- reaching reforms in traditional education.Vitiation ad Felt exemplified the ideals of humanist teaching. He had his students read the difficult works of various writers and subjected his students to vigorous physical exercise and games. Balderdash Castigation's Book of the Courtier illustrates, the rediscovered knowledge of the past was a model and a challenge to the present. The successful courtier is to be one who knows how to integrate knowledge of ancient languages and history with athletic, military, and musical skills, while at the same time practicing good manners and exhibiting a high moral character.After the fall of Constantinople to the Turks, many Greek scholars fled to Florence for refuge. This became the background against which the Florentine Platonic Academy evolved under the patronage of Cosmic De' Medici and the vision of Amarillo Fiction and Pico Della Miranda. Renaissance thinkers were attracted to the Platonic tradition and to those Church Fathers who tried to synthesize Platonic philosophy with Christian teaching. The appeal of Platonism lay in its flattering view of human nature.It's distinguished between an eternal sphere of being and the perishable world in which humans lived. Strong Platonic influence is evident in Picot's Oration on the Dignity of Man. Pico wrote the Oration as an introduction to his pretentious collection of nine hundred theses. Palpation's teaching depicted humans as the only creatures in the world who possessed the freedom to be whatever they chose and be at will to rise to the heights of angels. The humanists could become critics of tradition even when that was not their intention.Dispassio nate critical scholarship shook long standing foundations, not at the least of which were those of the medieval church. Lorenz Villa revealed the explosive character of the new learning. Although a Catholic, he became a hero to Protestant reformers. Humanists believed education should promote individual virtue and public service, hence civic humanism. Toward the end of the Renaissance, many humanists became cliquish and snobbish, and intellectual elite more concerned with narrow scholarly interests and writing pure, classical Latin than with revitalization civic and social life. . In Renaissance Italy, the values and interests of the laity were no longer subordinated to those of the clergy. This development was due in part to the church's loss of international power during the great crises of the late Middle Ages. This new perspective on life is prominent in the painting and sculpture of the high Renaissance when art and sculpture reached their full maturity. Renaissance artists wer e helped by the development of new technical skills during the 1 5th century in addition to the availability of new materials.Leonardo ad Vinci was a true master of many skills and one of the greatest painters of all time. His inventive mind foresaw modern machines as airplanes and submarines. Raphael was a man of kindness and a painter of great sensitivity, he is famous for his tender Madonna's and the great fresco in the Vatican which was a perfect example of Renaissance technique. Michelangelo excelled in a variety of arts and crafts. His David showed a great example of Renaissance devotion to harmony, symmetry, and proportion, all serving the glorification of the human form.His works were later more complex and suggested deep personal changes which marked artistically and philosophically, the passing of High Renaissance painting and the advent of a new Tyler. 4. Throughout the Renaissance, slavery flourished Just as extravagantly as art and culture did. Contemporaries looked on such slavery as a merciful act since their captors would otherwise have killed the captives. After the Black Death reduced the supply of laborers, the demand for slaves became higher. Slaves were imported from Africa, the Balkans, Constantinople, Cyprus, Crete, and the lands surrounding the Black Sea.Owners had complete dominion over their slaves which meant the power to â€Å"have, hold, sell, alienate, exchange, enjoy, rent or UN-rent, dispose of in their wills, edge soul and body, and do with in perpetuity whatsoever may please them and their heirs and no man may gainsay them. † Tartars and Africans appeared to have been the worst treated but in ancient Greece and Rome, slaves were generally accepted as family members and integrated into households. Not few women slaves became mothers of their masters' children.Fathers often adopted children of such unions and raised them as their legitimate heirs. Slaves remained a foreign and suspected presence in Italian society as upro oted and resentful people. B. Italy's Political Decline: The French Invasions (1494-1527) . Italy had always relied on internal cooperation for its peace and safety from foreign invasion (by the Turks). This was maintained during the second half of the fifteenth century thanks to an alliance known as the Treaty of Load. Around 1490 hostilities between Milan and Naples resumed.The peace that the Treaty of Load made possible ended in 1494 when Naples threatened Milan. Ludicrous made made a fatal response to these political alignments by appealing to the French for aid. Breaking an Italian rule, he invited the French to re-enter Italy and revive their dynastic claim to Naples. He hadn't noticed that France also had dynastic claims to Milan or how there would be more French territory once they encamped in Italy. 2. The French king Louis XSL resisted the temptation to invade Italy while keeping French dynastic claims in Italy alive.Such appeasement only brought about Pier's exile by a ci tizenry that was revolutionized by a radical Dominican preacher (Savonarola). Savonarola convinced the fearful Florentine that the French kings arrival was a long-delayed and fully Justified divine vengeance on their immorality. This allowed Charles to enter Florence without resistance. N the end, the Florentine proved not to be the stuff theocracies are made of. After the Italian cities reunited and ousted the French invader, Savonarola days were numbered. Eventually he was imprisoned and executed. Ludicrous IL Moor desired a French invasion only so long as it weakened his enemies, he saw events created by himself which threatened Milan. In reaction, he Joined the League of Venice which was strong enough to send Charles into retreat and end the menace he posed to Italy. 3. The French returned to Italy under Charlie's successor, Louis XII. Probably the cost corrupt pope who ever sat on the papal throne, he openly promoted the political careers of Cesar and Lucrative Boring.In Roman the pope's ally within the League of Venice continued to contest the Papal States for their loyalty. Seeing that French alliance would allow him to reestablish control, Alexander secured French favor. He annulled Louis Xi's marriage to Charles Vic's sister so he could marry Charlie's widow (Anne of Brittany). Most important Alexander agreed to abandon the League of Venice. In exchange, Cesar Boring received the sister of the king of Invader. Cesar also received land grants from Louis XII and the promise of French military aid in Roman.All was a scandalous trade-off that made it possible for the French king and the pope to realize their ambitions within Italy. In 1500 Louis and Ferdinand of Argon divided Naples between them and the pop and Cesar Boring conquered the cities of Roman without opposition. Alexander victorious son was given the title â€Å"duke of Roman. † 4. Cardinal Giuliani Della Rover succeeded Alexander VI as Pope Julius II. Julius raised the Renaissance papac y to its peak of military prowess and diplomatic intrigue, gaining him the title of â€Å"warrior pope. This humorous account purported to describe the pope's unsuccessful efforts to convince Saint Peter that he was worthy of admission to Heaven. Pop Julius drove the Venetians out of Roman and fully secured the Papal States. Realizing this long sought papal goal, he turned to the second major undertaking of his pontificate: ridding Italy of his former ally, the French invader. The French were nothing besides persistent. They invaded Italy a third time under Louse's successor, Francis l. The victory won the Concordat of Bologna from the pope in August 1516.This concordat helped keep France Catholic after the outbreak of the Protestant Reformation, but the new French entry into Italy set the stage for the first of four major wars with Spain in the first half of the sixteenth century. 5. The foreign invasions made shambles out of Italy. Machiavelli was more convinced through the more he saw. He became the Italian political unity and independence were ends which Justified any meaner. Machiavelli was impressed by the way Roman rulers and citizens defended their homeland. They possessed the ability to act decisively and heroically for the good of their country.Such romanticizes of the Roman past exaggerated both ancient virtue and contemporary failings. He also held republican ideals which he didn't want to vanish from Italy. He believed a strong and determined people could struggle successfully with fortune. He scolded the Italian people for the self-destruction their own internal feuding was causing. He wanted an end to that behavior so a reunited Italy could drive all foreign armies out. It's been argued that he wrote The Prince as a cynical satire on the way rulers behave and not as a serious recommendation of unprincipled despotic rule.But Machiavelli seems to have been in earnest when he advised rulers to discover the advantages of fraud and brutality. He app arently hoped to see a strong ruler emerge from the Medici family which had captured the papacy with the pontificate. At the same time, they retained control over the powerful territorial state in Florence. The Prince was pointedly dedicated to Lorenz De' Medici, duke of Robin, and grandson of Lorenz the Magnificent. The second Medici pope watched helplessly as the army of Emperor Charles V sacked Rome was also the year of Machiavellian death.